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Les biais cognitifs – étude Bpifrance

avatarBpifrance Le Lab3 years ago
3 years ago

Des éléments peuvent venir influencer la prise de décision des dirigeants : ce sont les biais cognitifs. Cette étude s’adresse aux chefs d’entreprise, à tout décideur en herbe o (...)

Maturity Level 1

How to define your corporate philanthropy strategy ?

Abstracts from Prophil's study "Carnet de voyage au pays des fondations actionnaires". Here you will find a template to easily define your corporate philanthropy strategy.

Maturity Level 1

Encourage women startup managers’ access to funds (FR)

SISTA 3 years ago 3 years ago

Study by BCG x SISTA on gender diversity in tech : an increase in the creation and financing of startups but the legacy of the ecosystem still weighs heavily.

Maturity Level 1

Charter’s templates for gender diversity in the VC industry (FR)

SISTA 3 years ago 3 years ago

Charter of commitment to promote gender diversity in the digital sector. 4 areas of commitments : VCs' portfolio management ; HR ; inclusive investment and sharing good practice (...)

Maturity Level 1

BSPCE Toolkit (FR)

The "Bons de Souscription de Parts de Créateur d'Entreprise" ("BSPCE" in short) are a tool to retain your employees and involve them in the future success of your startup. You w (...)

Maturity Level 2

Galion Gender Agreement (FR)

The Galion Project does not pretend to solve a problem that goes far beyond the world of work, but proposes 45 simple and concrete solutions defined with Galion members to promo (...)

Maturity Level 1

Diversity & Female Entrepreneurship : guidance and best practice

These guidelines are intended to provide guidance for investors who are beginning their diversity and inclusion (D&I) journey.

Maturity Level 1

Diversity in venture capital : a practical toolkit for VC funds

A practical starting guide for VCs, to help them promote diversity and inclusion (D&I) within their organisations & portfolio.

Maturity Level 1

Diversity & Inclusion in Tech : A Practical Guidebook for Entrepreneur...

A step-by-step guide to help you plan, deploy, monitor and improve a Diversity & Inclusion strategy suited to your company.

Maturity Level 1